Friday, January 30, 2009

Sy honest..

Since there are a few of you ckp i tarik gambar tuk bg i nampak gemuk (pic i pakai baju merah).So, disini i bg gambar yg real..pic yg sama, cuma yg ni no cutting2..yer la, previous pic 2 mmg lah i kena cut sbb nak tunjuk diri i je..x kan i nak letak skali ngan my profesor i dan my classmate i yg lain2..blh 2 mmg kan konpius plak kan...but today, i terpaksa the pic..

I berdiri plg kiri..pakai baju merah..yg perut berlipat itu..hehe.. sila click pada gambar tersebut untuk larger view. So...harap puas hati yer..

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Since most of u keep asking me, what herbalife is, then here i give u details about this pdt...Tp sblm itu, untuk melihat image pdt ini dengan lebih jelas, sila layari So, apa itu Herbalife. Herbalife sbnrnya adalah pdt kesihatan yang bukan semata2 untuk menjadikan ada slim, tetapi juga menaikkan berat badan dan maintain berat badan. Dlm erti kata lain, herbalife bukan ubat kurus ttp pdt kesihatan iaitu pdt yg membekalkan sumber nutrient yang mencukupi utk keperluan tubuh badan yg sihat. Tp since i had experienced how to lose weight using this pdt, so i focus more on this scope.

Herbalife consist of:

Formula 1 - Nutritious Mixed Soy Powder
  • Provides essential vitamins and nutrients which includes 19 vitamins and minerals.
  • A complete meal to our body. Contains all the best nutrients and serve the right function to our body.
  • 9 grams of soy protein and 18 grams when mixed with milk or soy milk per serving plus fibre to help keep you full and satisfied.
  • Can help you lose, gain or maintain weight.
  • Available in five flavours - coklat, vanilla, strawberry, cappuchino, tropical fruits. Ni yang best ni...

Formula 3 - Protein supplement helps fight hunger

  • Purely soy protein.
  • Mixed with your formula 1 in one shake.
  • A convenient, fat-free protein supplement for hunger control and healthy weight management.
  • A proprietary blend of soy and whey proteins. Mixes easily into shakes, soups and sauces. Helps build and maintain lean muscle mass.
  • Helps to reduce your craving towards food.

Teamix - For vitality and weight management

  • Low-calorie instant tea mix helps you stay energised and refreshed while you manage your weight.
  • Helps you to stay energetic all day
  • Includes antioxidant and thermogenic green tea.
  • Eliminate body toxins.
  • Add up 20% of speed of weight loss.
  • Serve as an exercise tea. If you take it before your exercise, it will double up the result of the exercise that you're doing.
  • Enjoy hot or cold

Ok guys...i hope this info will clarify ur view about herbalife. More ym or email me. I will also give u the methods of consumption via ym..enjoyyy..

Monday, January 26, 2009

Perfect solution to lose weight!

What are the best perfect solutions to lose our weight???

Diet or eating control?
Berlapar? (Diet n berlapar adalah 2 perkara yg berbeza ya!)
Skip dinner?
Combine all of them? Or

Doing nothing?(Melampau ni sehhh)

So, which one u gonna choose?? To me, I've had experienced 3 of them; diet, exercise and skip dinner. Tp semuanya hampeh…the result was sooo upset. Nothing changed at all..Bila pikir2 balik buat merana badan je..jiwa pun melara..Ye lah, mcm mana x merana klu asyik sekat2 makan je..perut lapo tahap gaban, tp tahan gak..merana sehhh. Dinner time lg lah..tgk je org mkn sedap2. Sapa2 yg pernah merasa diet mcm ni, tahulah mcm mana rasa kan…??

Same going to be with exercise..I know2...bersenam is the best way to lose weight..I admit that and even majalah Rapi pun ckp mcm 2... We have to admit that... But have u ever wonder why some people (including me) still maintaining their weight (dlm erti kata lain berat x turun2) after doing tough exercise…Just like I mentioned in my previous entry, in order to lose weight I keep exercising secara konsisten. I aerobic, pergi gym n play badminton mlm2..Tp mcm I katalah…I failed to shed any kilos..Not even single kilo. So, do u think any reason behind??? Im sure, first word that come across in ur mind is the rate of metabolism..Yes, that’s true. Each of us may have different rate of metabolism. That why sometimes we can see some people are so easy to lose weight. Puasa 3, 4 hari pun leh hilang 2 kilo. Diet seminggu je dah hilang 2 kilo..But hey…that not me..My metabolism rate was low at that time. That why diet n exercise bagai nak rak pun still x trun2 any kilos…Selain tu, maybe gak my diet or cara makan I x betul. Maklumlah kurang knowledge..Dulu, I tot, skip meals or berlapar can make me slimmer..yer lah kan, x mkn..mesti lah leh kurus..Unfortunately, that was TOTALLY WRONG. Skip any meals or berlapar, can gain ur weight and of course make u even fatter. Why jd cam 2?? The reason is skipping meals will force ur body to decrease ur metabolism rate. (pls refer my previous entry). So, if metabolism rate menurun, maknanya, less calorie yg dibakar. Bila kurang calorie dibakar, maknanya, makin byk lemak berkumpul. Bila makin byk lemak berkumpul, so makin gemuk lah jawapannya..hehe…Bila makin gemuk, maka byk lah baju yg x muat (ni yg ngeri ni..hehe)..dan juga byk penyakit akan mula bersarang…

Sooooo, what are u going to do?? Klu mkn byk pun gemuk, x mkn (berlapar) pun leh gemuk. What shud we do?? Susah sehh…The only way is to replace meal which is low in calorie and at the same time can increase ur metabolism rate. Then u will definitely lose weight. Barulah boleh slim molim. What kind of meal that has the superior ability to do that action??? The one and only answer is HERBALIFE.

with herbalife change into this

*sorry for keep repeating the same pic of gemuk time coz i mmg x ambik gambar time i 70kg

Yes, Herbalife means a lot to me. See, how herbalife had done to me..From 70 kg to 60 kg now. (See pics). I know2, 60 kg is not considered as slim yet. But, the number is not the main point here. What the most important thing is how I manage to shed 10 kilos in just 4 months without extreme exercise and extreme diet. Herbalife can make any way possible…

With only 2 shake of herbalife a day (replace bfast and dinner while u still can have colored meal for lunch), this pdt had increase my metabolism rate, which explain how I can lose 10 kg in 4 months. Sure u all tertanya-tanya, bagaimana I boleh menahan lapar hanya dengan minum shake. Well, hanya empunya badan yg dah merasa shj can explain how do it feel. U wont believe unless u try. What I can say here is just….YES u akan rasa kenyang sgt..kadang2 kenyang yg amat (becoz u have to consume it with plenty of plain water and herbalife teamix yg sgt menyegarkan). And for ur info, Herbalife also can be consumed together with other food, which add more rasa kenyang while dringking it such as cereal, oat (my feberet), grind almond, pisang and other food yg releven..Jgn letak nasi goreng dah le…jd lain plak…hehe..Next2 entry I will post herbalife shake recipes yg I slalu buat for ur reference. Berbalik kpd rasa kenyang td..jika anda merasa kenyang yg amat, kenapa harus mencari makanan lain..kan? Most of my friends always asked me, why x mkn ni?or betul ke dah kenyang ni?I don’t know how to explain to I mention, hanya empunya diri yg rasa mcm mana…And of course our determination to lose weight also help to cope all this situation. Rasa kenyang and our determination should always come together.. I hope u understand what I mean…I pun x reti nak explain mcm mana…Tp sebetulnya apa yg I cak ckp..mmg herbalife shake 2 akan buat u rasa kenyang dan bertenaga…

To be honest, klu ckp pasal herbalife ni x abis satu hari…too many stories, info and experience to kongsi..So, I think lets end up here for today…Lets discuss more about herbalife for next entry..tungguuu…

Apa itu metabolisme????

So, apa dia metabolisma?Ia adalah jumlah kalori yang dibakar oleh badan untuk mengekalkan fungsi dan nyawa. Segala aktiviti (termasuk proses pernafasan dan sistem badan) memerlukan tenaga (sumber kalori).
  • Perkara Semulajadi Yang Mempengaruhi MetabolismaKomposisi Badan: Walaupun dua individu mempunyai berat badan yang sama, individu yang mempunyai berat otot berlebihan akan mempunyai metabolisma yang lebih tinggi kerana otot membakar lebih calorie berbanding lemak.
  • Genetics: Setiap orang mempunyai struktur tulang dan bentuk badan yang berbeza (mesomorph, ectomorph, endomorph). Orang yang tinggi langsing (seperti pemain basketball) biasanya mempunyai metabolisma melebihi orang seperti Wayne Rooney atau yang berbadan “stocky”.
  • Umur: Metabolisma akan menurun dengan umur. Dengan itu, keperluan calorie seseorang akan turun over time. Ini kenyataan hidup. Ini sebab utama kerana ramai akan menambahkan berat badan walaupun mengambil makanan yang sama (sewaktu muda).
  • Perkara Yang Boleh Meningkatkan Metabolisma Latihan/Semanan: Kombinasi latihan cardiovascular dan mengangkat berat adalah yang terbaik kerana ia akan menolong dalam meningkatkan calorie output dan juga dalam menambahkan otot.
  • Makan kerap: Dengan makan 5-6 kali sehari, sistem-sistem badan sentiasa beroperasi dan keep the body active. Ini akan meningkatkan kadar metabolisma. Jangan skip meals dengan harapan untuk weight loss kerana skipping meals akan memaksa badan menurunkan kadar metabolisma kerana ia ingat ia sedang “puasa”.
  • Minum Air: Air merupakan kandungan utama badan. Kurang air boleh menurunkan kadar metabolisma. Jadikan air mineral sumber air utama.
  • Nutritisi secara am: Apabila umur kita makin meningkat, pengawalan calorie menjadi semakin penting kerana kita tidak lagi memerlukan jumlah calorie yang sama.
  • Makanan Pedas: Walaupun kesan makanan pedas tidaklah mendadak, tetapi ia tetap “panaskan badan” dan meningkatkan metabolisma.
  • Supplement: Kebanyakkan weight loss supplement dikategorikan sebagai thermobased supplements di mana ia akan meningkatkan metabolisma badan dengan kandungan seperti Guarana, L-Carnitine, Cayenne Extract dll.
Kesimpulan: Metabolisma walaupun bergantung kepada perkara di luar kawalan kita, pastikan anda mempunyai keseimbangan dari segi kawalan pemakanan dan senaman. Kebanyakan masalah weight loss, weight gain dan metabolisma boleh diatasi dengan pengamalan fundamental yang baik.
Sumber: Kevin Zahri

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Perubahan pada wajah...

Herbalife bukan setakat shape ur body but ur face as well. Just take a look at my pics below dan buat perbandingan sblm dan slps..

Wajah2 tembam tanpa sempadan b4 using herbalife esp the 2nd one..isshhh...

Slps menggunakan herbalife..dah x tembam sgt kan..

Gambar paling bawah 2 im wearing tudung ariani..I suka pakai tudung ni..And for ur info, one of these tudung masa i beli ketat sgt. Maklumlah time beli x try dulu...But fortunately, last week i try balik that tudung, muat uuu.dah x ketat dah..sedap2 je apa maknanya tuuu???

Once upon a time: Me without herbalife

Salam to all readers....

Welcome to my blog...Here i just wanna share my experiences with Herbalife; Miraculous pdt that change my life style, my look, my habit and alot more. Look at my picas below how herbalife changed me. Just email me if u want to know more about this product or just drop ur comment here. I will reply as soon as possible.

The first 2 pics were taken last year. If i not mistaken, bulan June 2008.Time ni i buat master at UKM..i dont know how my body can naik bagai dipam2...klu org x tegur konpem xsedar...But that time i realized most of my baju x muat. Seluar pun x memerlukan pertolongan i buat dunno je...i dont know why...but after i tgk this pics...terdetik kat hati..x leh jd ni...I have to take action...

Me: 70 kilos

Honestly, bila I tgk gambar ni...agak terkejut beruk jugak lah...mcm x leh terima kenyataan my body mcm ni...terdetik dlm hati..aku ke ni...serious, i x sangka i segemuk ni...Tgk jer lah perut i yg berlipat2 itu...sungguh tidak rela ku pandang..hehe...tidak cukup ngan itu, gambar dibawah ini juga membuatkan i terkejut beruk....

Me: 70 kilos

Nasib baik lah pic ni ada lagi...coz most of my pic i buang aka delete...reasonnya i x suka tgk diri i time 2..padahal i ni dikategorikan suka bergambar..suka bila dah body mcm ni...i delete most of them..rugi plak rasa coz x leh tunjuk kat sini...back to the pic above, sila lihat muka i yg xde sempadan 2...ishhhh...ngeri tul...pic ni pun masa i buat master kat ukm..

Then...after i tersedar dr lamunan yg i have to do something..I start exercise for ur info, i mmg jenis suka exercise, but x tahu nape, badan naik gak, maybe coz makan pun x control..Sejak 2, almost everynight i play badminton, jogging and aerobic...makan pun i control..x melampau bila timbang berat, sama gak...x jejas sket pun..tension tul..di mana silapnya...adeh....

But one day, my friend introduced me Herbalife..weight management programme..At first, i takut gak try pdt2 ni..yer la kan..kot2 ada side effects, but after my friend yakinkan i and she also consumed this pdt, i yakin untuk mencuba..Kata org x kenal maka x cinta...And, mmg benar lah pepatah tersebut..1st try sudah membuatkan i jatuh cinta, maybe sbb this pdt si soooo yummylicious...Lg pun ada 5 flavors yg sedap2...No side effect at all...Malah it give me more energy for the whole day..jd lebih bertenaga dan lebih ceria..And how about my weight???Of course la berat i makin berkurangan. As a proof, pic below shows how do i look now...with 10 kilos lighter...I suka sgttt...

Aku skrg: 60 kg
This progress will not end up here...My target is to reach 55 kg...Wish me luck k...But how about u?? Do u want to join me into this weight mgt programme. Dont wait any longer. Just email me and i will explain how it works and i will guide u how to consume this pdt. U wont be upset...
I will attach more pics sooonnn..tunggu....